Mastering Astral Projection

Download BrainWave
Generator Audio


Here you go, all the BrainWave Generator presets in MP3 format for free.

By design, many of the BrainWave Generator files are long playing.  As a result, the files sizes when exporting them to a sound file can be quite large.  In converting them to MP3s, I tried to strike the perfect balance between file size and sound quality.  I believe the file compression I’ve used does not compromise the effectiveness of any of the programs.

My Advice: If you’re just interested in experimenting with the sound files for the effects they have, and NOT having and out-of-body experience, then play them as you will, keeping in mind not to drive or operate dangerous equipment while listening, as the sounds can cause drowsiness.  And, of course, you’ll need stereo headphones for them to be effective.

However, if you’re interested in having an OBE, then don’t listen to these audio files until you actually do the 90-day program.  The sound files are designed to mimic the mind-awake/body-asleep state.  In my experience, they are most effective when you first listen and become slightly less effective during each subsequent listening, as if the brain is catching on to our attempts to fool it.

These sound programs can be quite effective.  Don’t waste them.

For a fully self-contained sound experience, get the Mastering Astral Project CD Companion, which includes a narrator whole walks listeners through all the exercises, eliminating the need to memorize all the steps.

(To download, right-click over button and choose “Download Linked File As…”)

Copyright © 2019 by Brian Mercer